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"Oklahoma's Biographer Laureate" was first aired on Sunday October 23rd 2005. Our Guest was Bob Burke, Author.

Our topics included:
  1. Attorney, author, historian - how he finds time to do it all
  2. Has written 59 historical, non-fiction books
  3. How he decides about whom/what to write
  4. Some co-authors - some solo - how he decides which
  5. What he's written about: many Political figures - the most interesting/surprising
  6. Writing about sports figures, i.e. Allie Reynolds
  7. His favorite story Abe Lemmons' story
  8. Story of Bill Teegins
  9. Jurists: Alma Wilson; Lee West; Alfred P. Murrah
  10. What's on the drawing board

Bob Burke & Kent Meyers