"Public Display of the Ten Commandments" was first aired on Sunday June 12th 2005. Our Guests were Michael Scaperlanda, Edwards Family Chair in Law & Assoc. Dean for Research, OU School of Law and Harry F. Tepker, Jr., Calvert Chair of Law & Liberty & Prof. Of Law, OU School of Law. Our topics included:- Discuss the Constitution - 1st Amendment - Establishment clause
- How we reconcile with other displays such as currency - Supreme Court Opening Prayer - House of Representatives Opening Prayer
- What is the Lemon Test and should it be relevant?
- Does the setting of the display matter - review Texas and Kentucky cases
- Does it matter which version (Protestant, Catholic or Jewish) of The Ten Commandments is displayed?
- Is the secular vs. religious test workable?
- Professors Scaperlanda and Tepker discuss how should these cases turn out
 Michael Scaperlanda, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, Rick Tepker