"The Attorney General's Powers" was first aired on Wednesday March 9th 2005. Our Guest was Drew Edmondson, Attorney General, State of Oklahoma. Our topics included:- How things are going at the Attorney General's office
- Number of Assistants and how they are assigned
- Basic volume of work, is it getting larger, staying the same or decreasing
- House Bill 1879 and the Committee Substitute - what is it designed to do in regard to his powers as the chief law enforcement officer of the State
- Is the requirement that he obtain permission to sue from either the Governor, the House or the Senate a new one - Will it hamstring his operations
- Negotiation with the poultry companies - what's at issue - what the dispute is about
- An update on the tobacco settlement, how is that working out
Drew Edmondson, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers