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"Speaking Up For Kids" was first aired on Wednesday February 2nd 2005. Our Guest was Anne Roberts, Executive Director, Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy.

Our topics included:
  1. What is Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy and its mission
  2. What they hope to accomplish this year with the legislature
  3. Substance abuse:
  4. Prevention of Youth Access to Alcohol Act; and
  5. Community substance abuse treatment and juvenile drug courts
  6. Children's Mental Health
  7. Early childhood issues:
  8. State child care funding; Parent education and support programs
  9. Drop out Prevention: Funding
  10. Teen Pregnancy Prevention
  11. Preparing Youth for Adult Living
  12. Promoting Good Health and Nutrition: Physical Education and Health Education
  13. Funding for Juvenile Justice

Anne Roberts, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers