"A Conversation With Mike McCarville" was first aired on Sunday February 1st 2004. Our Guest was Mike McCarville, KTOK Radio. Our topics included:- Democratic presidential primary February 3rd. List of candidates.
- Mike's take on what will happen in Oklahoma.
- Mike's prediction on who the next candidates will be to drop out.
- Mike's prediction on who the democratic candidate will ultimately be.
- Early primary in Oklahoma. Effect this will have on Oklahoma. Was this good for Oklahoma.
- U.S. Senate Race. Democrat - Brad Carson. Republican - Craig Humphreys, Mike Fair, others?
- Will the Republicans fight among themselves?
- Outcome of the Senate race.
- Term limits - the turnover in the Legislature. What effect, if any on the legislative process.
- The Mike McCarville Foundation. Its purpose.
Mike McCarville, Kent Meyers