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"Discussion With the Publisher of a 100-Year Old Newspaper" was first aired on Sunday February 1st 2004. Our Guest was Mary Mélon, Editor and Publisher, The Journal Record.

Our topics included:
  1. Why has The Journal Record been called a business newspaper.
  2. What she sees as the role or the niche being filled by The Journal Record.
  3. How wide is their circulation?
  4. What do they include that other newspapers do not?
  5. What are their days of publication?
  6. How they do it day after day?
  7. How they market or distribute the newspaper - office delivery, home delivery, newsstands.
  8. Joseph Pulitzer said "Newspapers should have no friends." How do she respond to that?
  9. How long she has been the Editor and Publisher.
  10. How she decided to get involved in this - what has been her experience.
  11. The Journal Record publishes more than just the daily newspaper, discuss a few of the other publications:
  12. Book of lists; Woman of the Year Publication; Innovator of the year; Book of Events;
  13. Square feet; Choices - guide to life after high school; Journal Record legislative report; Tinker Takeoff
  14. What's next for The Journal Record

Kent Meyers and Mary Mélon