"Oklahoma's Impact Players Meet Carl Stover" was first aired on Sunday September 7th 2003. Our Guest was Carl Stover, C.H. Guernsey & Company. Our topics included:- Describe C.H. Guernsey - wealth of diversity
- Architecture; Automated mapping; Construction management; Economics
- Energy supply; Engineering (all types); Environmental; Facility management
- Information technology; Master planning; Privatization and outsourcing; Security consulting; Web services
- Describe the formation and growth of C.H. Guernsey and Company
- Where are offices located; 75th Anniversary; Employee owned company - size
- Security work; Salt Lake City Olympics; NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium
- Work in China; Work in the electrical/natural gas industry
- Carl Stover in his spare time
Kent Meyers, Mick Cornett, Carl Stover